Talking to workers is an integral part of the workplace inspection
Workplace inspections are a primary function of the Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC). Under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, s.9(23), the JHSC must designate a worker member to inspect the workplace. Under s 9(24), the worker member should be JHSC certified, if possible.
The purpose of the monthly inspection is to identify hazards and monitor current work practices to ensure the safety of all workers. Workplace inspections determine:
There are three major components of workplace inspections. They are:
To conduct workplace inspections in an efficient and well-organized manner, use a standardized inspection checklist to keep you on track and prevent forgetting or overlooking anything important. |
As you inspect the workplace and work through your checklist items, make general observations.
Are there new hazards?
Are there new hazards?
Talking to Workers
Talking to workers is an integral part of the workplace inspection because workers familiar with the area and work process can help you to identify hazards that aren’t listed on the checklist. Talking to workers will also indicate training gaps or areas where training is needed to reinforce safe practices. If any workers bring forward issues or concerns, be sure to pay careful attention to the source of their distress. Inspect it, ask questions, and make any applicable recommendations.
Making ObservationsAs you inspect the workplace and work through your checklist items, make general observations. Are there new hazards? If so, take note. You can add them to the checklist for next time. Observation also allows for the evaluation of already implemented controls and safe work practices to determine if they are working as intended.
Recording Your FindingsA workplace inspection checklist provides focus. The most effective checklists are laid out by area. Within each area, there should be a list of items – preferably in the logical order in which you will inspect them. For each item, there should be a check box, where a checkmark would indicate that the item passes inspection.
Have a blank page or notebook handy as well for additional comments and affix it to the checklist upon completion. More comments can include notes or ideas for recommended controls if they are apparent. Recommendations for controls don’t have to be noted on inspection checklists – members can make determinations during meetings. |
A Checklist Increases EfficienciesJHSC workplace inspectors that talk to workers, make observations, and use checklists will find the task of completing an inspection enjoyable, productive, and useful. Using a proper and well-laid out checklist will lend itself to better hazard identification, which has the potential to save a life.
To help you prepare your own customized workplace inspection checklist, MidSouthWest Training and Consulting is giving you a FREE workplace inspection checklist. Download Now |
Trust MidSouthWest Training and Consulting
Training is key when it comes to having an effective and efficient JHSC. When you train all members, they gain basic health and safety foundational knowledge. They are able to complete workplace inspections effectively and efficiently.
Learn More about Workplace Inspection Training
MidSouthWest Training and Consulting provides JHSC training in association with Langlois Safety Training and Consulting Services, an approved CPO Provider. We offer on-site JHSC Part One, Part Two, and Refresher training. We also offer JHSC training via distance learning. You can trust MidSouthWest Training and Consulting to provide you with cost-effective training solutions tailored to meet your organization’s unique health and safety needs.
To learn more, contact us online or call 289.309.1143. Visit us 24/7 on the web at
Learn More about Workplace Inspection Training
MidSouthWest Training and Consulting provides JHSC training in association with Langlois Safety Training and Consulting Services, an approved CPO Provider. We offer on-site JHSC Part One, Part Two, and Refresher training. We also offer JHSC training via distance learning. You can trust MidSouthWest Training and Consulting to provide you with cost-effective training solutions tailored to meet your organization’s unique health and safety needs.
To learn more, contact us online or call 289.309.1143. Visit us 24/7 on the web at
Last updated Sep 28, 2021